Tuesday, August 21, 2007

When you get right down to it, if I were Queen of the Earth I think I'd like to undo an awful lot of the so-called progress there is in the world. I don't actually want concrete and pavement as far as the eye can see. I don't want more road-kill. I don't want to continue literally decimating the species diversity. I can live without a large majority of the trappings of technology and entertainment and consumerism if you can give me a decent cabin in the woods. Now, I'm not saying I don't want that cabin to have the basic first-world amenities, but the price we pay for our current way of living is too high; some estimates are that 1st worlders need to get down to a quarter of their current resource usage. People don't notice the hidden costs, either ever, or at least until too late. Do I really need anything that is advertised on any of the billboards I see during my commute? There's entirely too many of us, and we do a really bad job of using the things around us, and we basically create nothing but crap. Tears well up when I think of how far away from Nature just about any Design is, and especially anything really commoditized. RIP just about anything fundamentally decent about your plague called Humanity.