Wednesday, February 13, 2008

[ok, i am guessing there is no good way to format this email thread so it will show up here not looking like feces. thanks, blogger. thanks. it is 3 entries, in evil MSFT top-posting order.]

it is what happens
summer in san francisco
a bus ride to work.

>I love this! It reads like a short-short (an assignment I used to give my students way back when). Very good. I'd give this an A-.

>>on the bus. guy talking. sort of happy go lucky yet stoner voice. talking to other guy who looks more gruff. first guy starts talking about methadone. telling his friend some story about a group of people with methadone in their safe and they forget the combination so they call a welder to come and burn out the lock. then, this guy says, methadone people the world over are telling them that they shouldn't do that because the heat will cause the drug to break down and so there won't be anything useful once they get the lock out. this guy then starts explaining how methadone has this insane shelf life of like 25 years. you can put it in direct sunlight for a year and nothing bad will happen. the only way to break it down is to boil it in <some toxic thing like acetone>. then he suddenly breaks off and turns to the person on the other side of him (they're all sitting on the very back row of seats in the bus) and asks nicely, "do you have the time?" then he goes back to his friend, planning to get together the next day to (said with happy go lucky emphasis and joy in the simple things in life): smoke cigars. shoot some pool. drink some beers. then, he's getting off the bus, leaving his friend still on, and says something like, "see you tomorrow. and don't forget the goodies!"

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